Friday, December 11, 2009

Hockey fights, I find are the best part of hockey, it adds a lot of entertainment to the game. I found a video that I just had t put on, this video shows a player from the Dallas Stars and the Carolina Hurricanes. Everyone thought this fight would be fare and amazing, on the contrary though. This fight way a blow out, the player from the Dallas, Steve Downy knocks out the Carolina player (who’s name I could not find). It was amazing! The player from the Carolina Hurricane tried to grab them twice, each time Steve Downy slapped his hand away. The third time, he threw a punch, Steve backed up to dodge it, then threw a left hook and knocked the player from the Carolina Hurricanes straight out! The fight was caused by a big hit from Steve Downy in Dallas’s end, which caused a player from the Carolina Hurricanes, to loose it and go after him. He soon realized that, that was a very bad idea. Steve then skated to the bench after knocking him out, like nothing happened. Hockey fights are always fun, I’ve been in a few of them my self, it feels amazing when you triumph over someone, especially if they’re someone bigger or taller then you. I would recommend however, not to pick a fight.


Coaches are extremely important to a team. They are the people that come up with different plays, organise the team’s schedule, games and practices. They are there at every game and practice and do not tolerate laziness from nether a game or a practice. All the coaches are different, some more easier going then others, but all have the same purpose, to win. Coaches are only friendly in house league, any level higher then that, if you slack off, you`re benched or you get yelled at. The dressing room is the worst for players and the most fun for coaches. It all entirely depends on the effort the players give into the game. If they put a good amount of effort, the coach will be pleased, if they put a minimum of effort; the coach will simply tell you what you need to fix for the next game. The worst, is when you play a bad game, that the coaches have to be yelling at you the entire time to pass, shoot or even skate with the puck. Then he unleashes hell on his players. Point of coaches, to make players lives miserable with practices and yelling...good luck to all hockey players.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hockey divisions

There aren’t a lot of divisions in hockey, but there are still enough to know. There is house league, AE, AA, AAA, junior, OHL and finally the NHL. These categories are very much different, on much different levels then other ones. House league is mostly for kids that just enjoy the sport of hockey, that just play it for fun, don’t really expect to go anywhere. AE is for players that still don’t plan to go anywhere, but that love the competition and a more difficult playing field with contact. AA is for players that look to have a small future in hockey, more experienced and who’ve been playing their entire lives. AA players are much more skilled then a regular player, that practice from time to time and are much smarter with the puck. AAA is pretty much, top of the line players that all they do for a living is hockey, and they practice everyday and are incredibly skilled. Junior is for players who get drafted from AAA and are trying they best to get spotted by someone to get drafted into the NHL. You have to be really good to get into juniors; you have to be pretty much the best at everything. Passing, shooting, reading the play, slap-shot wrist shot etc…Finally, the NHL is for the best of the best, one out of twenty will get in, they don’t just look for good, they look for someone who can score goals, create plays, almost without even trying.

Friday, November 27, 2009

This is why they do not have free for all hockey!

Free for all hockey...This can be so much fun, but also very dangerous, cause you can do just about anything to anyone and you will not get in trouble for it. No penalties for slashing across the face, no suspension for unnecessary beating the guy senseless until he’s unconscious, nothing of a sort, just do what you can to get those points and that’s it., just good old classic fun. I’m just kidding with you guys! We may do free for all hockey, but not in that way. Free for all hockey that there are no penalties, but only up to a certain point, for example; if the player isn’t anywhere near the puck, you cannot touch him, but if he’s close, he’s all yours. You may trip, hook (not the neck), you have the right to push guys around a little, but if they don’t want to fight, you leave them alone and go to the next guy. Cross checking and hitting from behind ARE illegal, you can not do them or you will be sent to the box for a total of 4 minutes, suspension of hit from behind. This ¨Free for all hockey¨is very simular to rugby, there are not very many rules, but you brake those rules and the consequences are severe. So, you can do what ever you want to stop the guy, except for hitting him from behind (automatic suspension), cross checking (4 minutes), fighting without approval from the opposing player (4 minutes, depending on how bad it is) and interference with the opposing player, who isn’t even near the puck (2 minutes), have fun! : )
Medical coverage necessary!!!

How does music pump up hockey players and why?

I believe that music pumps up hockey players, because; first of all, I can easily say this from experience. I am a hockey player as well and before every game, I listen to the heaviest music to get me excited for a hockey game, especially a high school hockey game, for there is contact allowed. I also highly believe that, the reason they play music in between whistles during important play-off games in house league, AE, AA & AAA games, the OHL and the NHL are simply to get the players pumped up a little for the up coming shift, so that they can give it their 110%. The only reason they do not play music during house league season games and only the play-off games, are because; it’s really only house league, no one’s really going anywhere if they just play house league. I can’t say much, for I as well play house league along with the other house league lovers. As for Ae, AA, AAA. OHL and the NHL; are a lot more popular and excited then a house league team, so they will play the music for them on every shift, but not for house league, unless it’s an important game.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Favourite hockey team!

Each hockey fan has a favourite hockey team, even if they don’t realize it at first, deep down, every hockey fan has their favourite hockey team. Some people also say, that a favourite hockey team, ARE one of the better teams, which is ninety percent true, I say otherwise though. Once and a while, you might grow up with the same favourite hockey team as your dad or mom (mostly dad) because, while you’re young, in your teens and still growing up, you watch the same hockey as your father and again, ninety percent of the time, you’re going to be cheering for the same team as your father. Finally there are hockey fans that I like to call, the “outsiders”. I name us the outsiders, mostly because, we don’t prefer a team if they’re better then everyone else, we don’t fallow our father’s foot steps in hockey. No, we chose our team, almost like love at first sight. Almost immediately after seeing our team play, win or lose, we know that, that’s our team and we stick with it, if they suck or not. My favourite team are the Toronto Maple Leafs, and ever though they’re not the best team, even though they’re last in the NHL, they’re still my favourite team and others as well, but that’s just the team I grew up with and love.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nhl 2k10

For me, I`m not much of a video game player, but they are extremely fun and an excellent pass time. One of my favourite sport games for the Xbox 360, would have to be the new NHL 2k10. It is SO much more evolved then the other sport games I have played in the past, with the skating skills, shooting, the handling of the puck, the AI senses etc... It’s amazing! In every other NHL game that I have played even for this system, nothing, yet, beats this game. In the other games that I’ve played, the AI weren’t as smart as they are in this game. In the older games, the AI were like robots, they had one mission and one mission only, was to ether follow you or go up the ice with you, nothing else. In this game, they actually have a mind of their own, they read your every move and position them self in a place were it could help you out get out of a sticky situation or even score an amazing goal. Like humans, as soon as you pass that puck, the AI (which are finally living up to their name) move to the next position, in which you can score a goal and pat your self on the back. The enemies are also a lot more difficult, as the AI reads your moves, so do they and that could cost you severely, for they have a few tricks up their sleeves, which will make you think a lot more.


In hockey, there are two different types of equipments. Both very similar, but yet, still very different. There is the players equipment, which they have had since the beginning of hockey, but of course it keeps upgrading from time to time and then there is the goalie equipment, which is pretty much the same as the players, but, the goalie equipment has much more padding, for obvious reason. The only real difference between player and goalie, isn`t even the equipment, they all have gloves, helmets, pads etc... It’s just mostly the utility of the object. For instants, the players gloves and shin pads are mostly used for speed, agility and to hold a hockey stick. The goalie, on the other hand, his gloves are used to catch and deflect the pucks and the pads, so they don’t do damage when the puck hits it. The chest protector is larger and thicker; it covers more of your body. The cup is thicker so it wont do any damage, those are mostly the only differences between players and goalie. The equipment pieces now are: The cup, shin pads, socks, pants, skates, chest protector, elbow pads, neck guard, your shirt and helmet. For the goalie, there is: Your cup, socks, pants, skates, pads, chest protector, neck guard, catcher (glove), blocker, shirt and helmet.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is hitting necessary in hockey?

You know, people have been talking for years about checking in hockey, and I’m not just talking about in house league, AE, AA or AAA, I’m talking all those plus the OHL and NHL. People have been saying, “Is hitting in the NHL really that necessary?” In my opinion, it is and it isn’t. I believe strongly it is, for it adds competitive rush to the game and actually increases your skill with the puck and your reaction time. If you didn’t play with checking, you could have all the time in the world to pick someone out and make a good pass. Now granted, this is excellent for beginners’ hockey, but once you reach about fifteen years old, your mind starts to work faster and your skills have developed. Now I believe you’re ready for checking. For players in AE and higher and even house league, with players that are sixteen to eighteen, they are ready to hit, they are ready for that rush. Now OHL and NHL players, well…they’re the best of the best, they are surely ready for anything hockey has to throw at them and yet, they’re still talking about removing hitting, why? It’s because of the injuries that some players are encountering, some hits cause near death injuries, which are bad and scary for both sides (player who’s hit and hitter). The question remains though, should we remove checking completely from hockey, or leave it as is? I believe we should leave it as is, because the players love the rush and they love physical contact, they don’t want to hurt the other player, they just want to be physical, add the excitement into the sport of hockey.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Point of hockey...

Most people think that in hockey, the entire point of the game is to chasse a small black piece of rubber up and down the ice without getting knocked on your butt and to shoot it inside a net to accumulate points. I will say that you’re right about one thing, the point of hockey is to accumulate points to win the game, but it is SO much more then just that. To begin, it’s hard enough to get by five guys without getting brutally hit or having the puck stripped from you. Secondly, you can’t just shoot the puck and expect the goalie to sit there and push it in for you. You have to practice to develop your shot and ability to control the puck, so that you could, just as easily, shoot the puck past the goalie or make him look like a fool and dance around him. That’s only the simple part of the game though, to be a good hockey player, you must learn that a good defence is the best offence. So even though you can score goals like it’s nothing now, so can they. So what can you do to make sure, that they don’t get to what you want? Pretty simple actually, doesn’t matter if your man is tall or small, plant your feet, brace your self and hit him like he kissed your girlfriend. Do these things, and you will win a game without a doubt.

Monday, November 9, 2009

As I mentioned in my other blog (Alex Ovechkin’s goal) there is more then one goal I find amazing. I find this goal unbelievable and I find it’s worthy enough to be called, “One of the best goals I’ve ever seen”. The Michigan Wolverines were playing the Minnesota Gophers on March 28 1996 at the NCAA West Regionals. It was three to three for the longest time when finally, number 15 from the Michigan Wolverines scored, which is probably the most amazing goal ever scored in College hockey even up to today. Number 15 is behind the Minnesota Gophers net with no one on him trying to get the puck away. The Michigan Wolverines were keeping the Minnesota Gophers distracted and occupied, while number 15 stood behind the net patiently waiting for someone to get open. Finally, he realises that no one is open; so to score and to win the game with the score four to three, the young college player picks up the puck and puts it in the top left hand corner, over the goalies blocker. I personally think that this should be legal if it isn’t, if you can find the time to get your stick perfectly on the puck, get it up in the air without the referees calling a high sticking penalty on you and find a way to get it in the net, that deserves to be legal.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A scary event happens during an OHL hockey game between the Erie Otters and Kitchener Rangers. A player named Michael Liambas crushes the defensemen Ben Fanelli into the boards behind the Rangers net. Ben WAS ready for the hit, I know there are other people who say other wise, but from my point of view, he was ready. Ben clearly set up against the boards to brace him self for the hit by Michael Liambas, but still Ben was very hurt with serious injuries. Ben Faneli received a fractured scull, lacerations on his face and remains in critical condition. There are though, signs of improvement, he is now breathing on his own. Michael Liambus is suspended indefinitely, although I do not agree with it. I was a clean hit, the results I admit did not turn out for the better, but Michael does not deserve to be suspended for this hit. The Kitchener game was delayed for 40 minutes before continuing, which I believe is ridiculous. My personal opinion, if a player were lying there motionless for 40 minutes, I would never continue the game. I’m a hockey player my self and when there is a TWO minute injury, that’s already long enough, but for 40 minutes… I don’t agree. I do understand the concern for Ben and I feel awful for his parents and what they’re going through. Ben and his, both have my respect.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alexander Ovechkin's best goal ever

I don't have many hockey players that I like or admire, but this goal I have to say is one of the best goals I’ve ever seen in my life and let me repeat my self, this is only ONE of the best goals I’ve ever seen. I really love this goal by Alexander Ovechkin though, because, it shows that he is committed to his team and the sport he loves by rushing through everyone, pulling off a fancy move around the defence, falling and yet still scoring with his back turned to the net, done a three sixty spin and still found a way to get the puck in the back of the net and a point for his team. Another thing I really like about Alexander Ovechkin is that, even though he’s a super star and can score goals without even trying, he still celebrates every goal like it’s his first and I think that’s excellent sportsmanship. Wayne Greztky was also looking at the replay on the big screen above the ice rink amazed. Also, in this goal, he congratulates his team mates more then himself, even though it was only his effort that got his team the goal. This goal also shows the pure talent of Alexander Ovechkin, again how he can control the puck and move it around a player without him even touching it, do a move around the goalie then pretty much just pass the puck in. It`s amazing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shoot to win is a title which simply means hockey. I think it's pretty commen sense of why the title is like that, ''shoot to win'' everyone who plays hockey knows to win you must score. I feel very passionate about the sport, I'm more of a physical kind of guy and hockey is a very physical sport. Although I don`t follow the NHL, OHL or what not to much, I am still very informed in what happens and in what scenario it happened. I love hockey for many reasons, it's a sport that you can start when you`re young and keep playing through out your life, even when you're in your late 50's. Hockey's a sport that takes a lot of concentration, quick reflexes yet a lot of patients, because you need to be able to relax and not throw the puck away recklessly. Along with quick reflexes and patients, you also need to have a good mind for the sport and know, who to pass it to or where should I shoot it on the net. Of course you don’t need all of these things to play hockey, once you start, you will automatically start to develop quick reflexes, patients and learn to relax with the puck, but it all comes with practice and love for the sport, you have to be willing to play, try and actually do it.