Friday, November 27, 2009

This is why they do not have free for all hockey!

Free for all hockey...This can be so much fun, but also very dangerous, cause you can do just about anything to anyone and you will not get in trouble for it. No penalties for slashing across the face, no suspension for unnecessary beating the guy senseless until he’s unconscious, nothing of a sort, just do what you can to get those points and that’s it., just good old classic fun. I’m just kidding with you guys! We may do free for all hockey, but not in that way. Free for all hockey that there are no penalties, but only up to a certain point, for example; if the player isn’t anywhere near the puck, you cannot touch him, but if he’s close, he’s all yours. You may trip, hook (not the neck), you have the right to push guys around a little, but if they don’t want to fight, you leave them alone and go to the next guy. Cross checking and hitting from behind ARE illegal, you can not do them or you will be sent to the box for a total of 4 minutes, suspension of hit from behind. This ¨Free for all hockey¨is very simular to rugby, there are not very many rules, but you brake those rules and the consequences are severe. So, you can do what ever you want to stop the guy, except for hitting him from behind (automatic suspension), cross checking (4 minutes), fighting without approval from the opposing player (4 minutes, depending on how bad it is) and interference with the opposing player, who isn’t even near the puck (2 minutes), have fun! : )
Medical coverage necessary!!!

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