Friday, January 22, 2010

Hockey fights!-should we keep them?

In my opinion, I believe we should keep fighting in the NHL for several reasons. To begin with, fighting gives that much more excitement to the sport. The fans LOVE it when two hockey players go at it and scrap. Also, it’s a great way to get your anger out; if you’re mad at a player and he’s mad at you back, why not let them go at it? Just don’t let the fight get out of hand. In a hockey fight the referees will let them fight and throw punches, but as soon as one of the players fall to the ice, the referees jump in and break it up. The referees love a little fighting action too, but they don’t need a player who’s severely injured on their hands. In my opinion, hockey players are some of the most dangerous and strong fighters there is. They’re constantly taking shots to their body’s and getting hit into glass and in open ice; the players are skating fast and know how to hit hard as well. From what I said above, hockey players can easily take a punch. Another thing that helps hockey players become good fighter, is the fact that they get extremely angry at one another and don’t feel the pain as much or at all for that matter. So they will just keep swinging, blocking and punching until his opponent’s on the ice and then keep punching until the referees force him off.

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