Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alexander Ovechkin's best goal ever

I don't have many hockey players that I like or admire, but this goal I have to say is one of the best goals I’ve ever seen in my life and let me repeat my self, this is only ONE of the best goals I’ve ever seen. I really love this goal by Alexander Ovechkin though, because, it shows that he is committed to his team and the sport he loves by rushing through everyone, pulling off a fancy move around the defence, falling and yet still scoring with his back turned to the net, done a three sixty spin and still found a way to get the puck in the back of the net and a point for his team. Another thing I really like about Alexander Ovechkin is that, even though he’s a super star and can score goals without even trying, he still celebrates every goal like it’s his first and I think that’s excellent sportsmanship. Wayne Greztky was also looking at the replay on the big screen above the ice rink amazed. Also, in this goal, he congratulates his team mates more then himself, even though it was only his effort that got his team the goal. This goal also shows the pure talent of Alexander Ovechkin, again how he can control the puck and move it around a player without him even touching it, do a move around the goalie then pretty much just pass the puck in. It`s amazing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shoot to win is a title which simply means hockey. I think it's pretty commen sense of why the title is like that, ''shoot to win'' everyone who plays hockey knows to win you must score. I feel very passionate about the sport, I'm more of a physical kind of guy and hockey is a very physical sport. Although I don`t follow the NHL, OHL or what not to much, I am still very informed in what happens and in what scenario it happened. I love hockey for many reasons, it's a sport that you can start when you`re young and keep playing through out your life, even when you're in your late 50's. Hockey's a sport that takes a lot of concentration, quick reflexes yet a lot of patients, because you need to be able to relax and not throw the puck away recklessly. Along with quick reflexes and patients, you also need to have a good mind for the sport and know, who to pass it to or where should I shoot it on the net. Of course you don’t need all of these things to play hockey, once you start, you will automatically start to develop quick reflexes, patients and learn to relax with the puck, but it all comes with practice and love for the sport, you have to be willing to play, try and actually do it.